Friday, December 17, 2004

Bring your daughter to the slaughter

It’s the company's Christmas party this evening, one I’m very much looking forward too. The main reason being that the group dynamics have changed a lot in the department I work so it will be cool to just sit and ‘people watch’ at this year’s event. You can bet there will be the girl that gets drunk very quickly and makes a scene, the boss guy that gets overcome by the wine and turns into a lecherous pest and of course the office nerd that wants to talk figure projection for the next quarter.

My boss's daughter and co-worker is going this year, she's a tender age - I wonder how long she will last before the boss lady has to take her home?

It all becomes mayhem as rivalries explode, male ego’s clash over the women they know they really can’t have and women do likewise over the men, ultimately we’ll all end up with a headache the next morning through wine infusion. It’s remarkable that people actually rub shoulders and shake hands yet all the previous year they’ve despised and plotted against one another. As I’m into psychology I’ll be watching the events unfold but then again….. I will be doing all of the above myself most likely.

1 comment:

pat said...

surely you will be working your way to a curry blanket ?