Thursday, July 06, 2006


Friends, work mates, associates, acquaintances, people that sometimes drift in and out of your life – what are they all about?

Some time ago I took it for granted that ‘friends come and go’ so to speak throughout your life. Work mates seem to be the ones that come and go most often, we often promise to stay in touch but we all move on, such is life I guess. Then come associates etc, people we may meet on holiday and exchange addresses and phone numbers, we promise to remain friends but with the best will in the world it hardly happens. Another example is pen friends we often have when we are children, or perhaps people we’ve met via email etc.

Then lastly there are close friends, its hard to define a ‘friend’ really in a few words, some could be childhood or school time friends, others good friends we meet through long term work or through other friends, hobbies and interests – or just folk you meet down the local boozer.

The irony about friendships is that they often end, for a multitude of reasons, some silly, some because we change as people, some because of distance and lives routine and lastly because we have a fall out.

I never like friendships ending, not for any reason. Friendships often take ages to forge and bond and all friendships contain empathy and trust to differing degrees.

Personally I’d say I have a lot of friends but in the same statement I have very few close friends, I guess that’s the way I prefer it. I’d say a lot of people were like me in that respect because it’s hard to maintain a large circle of friends and remain sincere or keep in touch.

What really eats me though is when people throw away friendships needlessly after they’ve taken years to build. Friendships that go down the pan for stupid reasons, because one person is stubborn or maybe perhaps because their partner dictates to them which friends are suitable for them.

I’ve witnessed a couple of examples recently, both without sensible rhyme or reasoning.

So should I be philosophical and revert to my statement of ‘friends come and go’ or should I be sad?

The honest answer of course – has to be sad.

1 comment:

Celadine said...

If a friendship is really worth it you have two choices, accept it is over or get off yer booty and fight for it back...ask yourself just how sad for how long? friends come and go, some are worth the fight but the knack is knowing when they aint, look deep inside and hopefully you will see the way forward