Tuesday, June 14, 2005


There’s one word used a lot in psychotherapy and that’s ‘Congruence or Congruent’. If you look it up in a dictionary its meaning comes mainly across as a mathematical term but in counselling it means - and I think this best explains it;

"Congruence," a fancy word derived from the Latin congruere, meaning to meet together or to agree. Some psychotherapists or writers simply call it "genuineness."

So basically it’s about being genuine and honest. My point being to all this is that I’ve read a lot of blogs that are very Congruent, people disclosing all sorts of feelings and views in a genuine and open way and my blog just contains things like film comments and television stuff. I sit and read random blogs and admire people for what they type, I don’t always agree with it but I have respect for their upfront views and the way they share core feelings with everyone. Blogs are probably quite therapeutic for some of us, the way we can disclose things and get them off our chest.

In my early days of doing counselling my tutor said to me ‘Jay I hear where you’ve been at the weekend or what you’ve done but never anything about how you actually feel’. I guess she was right in that statement and it some respects it applies to this blog. So the deal is this, having read other ‘congruent’ blogs and if I feel the need I’ll put a bit more of myself into the odd blog, not that I feel peer pressured by my observations of other blogs but basically because now and again I just might want too.


pat said...

no no no no spare us - we already know too much about you from your love of crazy frog, reality tv, and qt.
anymore and we will have to declare you insane.

Shep said...

I have to put myself in the 'Keep it light' category. Some of those blogs where people want to 'share' are awful.

There was a similar vein at drama college - every student's solo theatre piece was to do with their terrible abuse at hands of parents/eating disorder/the world not loving them enough. Not to say these aren't important issues but...to be honest with most of them I'd really rather not know.

One girl's 'performance' had her on stage, reciting some self-written poem, before pouring jugs of milk down her front. Apparently it was about Northern Ireland. The bloke next to me ruined the seriousness of this by simply whispering to me "Nice jugs".

It's good to share, but let's not get too personal though eh, save that for http://loveisacunt.blogspot.com/

(God did I come over all harsh and cold, or what...)