Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So ... That Was August

August has been a bitter sweet symphony of a month by no mistake. Gran was cremated last Friday, it was a nice ceremony that highlighted that despite her diminutive stature she was a strong woman, hard working and devoted to family. The only downside to the service was my grans involvement with religion was embellished by the vicar and described as a 'quiet faith' but it was so quiet I never heard her mention it ever. My grans famous catch phrase was 'Charity begins at home' and that was very much how she thought, family was paramount.

I don't often do the family thing but I must confess I did enjoy seeing some of my family after the service for a drink and a bite to eat and I shall try and make more of an effort to keep in touch with some of then in the future. I'll miss my gran, she was a good woman and very kind and loving towards me, she is an irreplaceable woman in my life.

Onto lighter things now! Gary came back early in the month for nearly two weeks, he didn't bring his usual sunshine days but on the days we did stuff I couldn't really complain. We headed to the coast one day to visit Bridlington, Hornsea and Spurn head. Bridlington seems to have lost its childhood magic for me and now is much like many other English seaside towns in the fact it has lost much of its former glory and appeal. It now feels like a run down town by the side of the sea with a very unremarkable harbour. There's tacky bars adorning the sea front and expensive children's rides and amusements. I won't be in a hurry to visit again, though we did find a very good retro shop that sold excellent t-shirts and memorabilia.

Hornsea was a small affair but quite nice if you have a family and want the benefits of a small quiet seaside resort which also has quite a quaint village tucked behind the more contemporary sea front area.

Spurn head was pretty amazing, £2 to get in with the car and lots of lots of quiet beach overlooked by what I think to be an unused light house. The whole place has a kind of majestic beauty of sorts, super long swathes of quiet beach stretching out on a delicate thin finger of land in the North sea. It was a memorable day and we drove over the Humber bridge home.

August has been a strange month for sure, highs and low emotionally, the graphics card on the computer blew up and a good friend moved over to Lincoln to live, and good luck to him. To be fair its not that far away and will probably open up new social avenues for him and his partner, and of course me if they invite me over!

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