Monday, March 07, 2005


I love women, I really do love every aspect about them, it’s in my genetic make up as a male of the species I guess but do I understand them?

That is an entirely different thing altogether!

As Sean Connery once said ‘I like all women, I don’t understand them but I like them’

It must be the worlds best hidden secret because after 36 years on this earth I still cannot work women out, they remain as mysterious, interesting and as fickle as ever. After studying Psychology and Psychotherapy the female mind and its inner workings remain mostly cloaked to me - as unpredictable as ever.

As males we often act on hunches and tried and trusted sage advice, we know the usual suspects of compliments and gifts work but then again these are tools to used to please a female, not unlocking the inner workings of her mind. Sometimes we are just ignorant to their needs or how they feel, Women will often quote that men will ‘never understand them’ or ‘he’s a typical male’ and to a large degree they are right.

Men are men after all and if anyone was ever to fully comprehend the workings of the female mind they’d be very rich indeed.

A man is given the choice between loving a woman and understanding them

Ninon De L’Enclos

Women are wiser than men because they know less but understand more

James Thurber

Women are meant to be loved, not understood

Oscar Wilde

Some men just don’t understand that a woman’s heart is like a deep ocean of secrets

Alicia Figgs

And lastly my favourite

A woman may need know but one man well, in order to understand them; whereas a man may know all women and understand not one of them

Helen Rowland

I rest my case !!!!!!

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