Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Trooper

Well I’m sat here at work, sniffling with a bit of a cold and just digesting some more crap news we’ve had here. To be honest the last few days away from work have been pretty pointless, I had intended to go somewhere but then that didn’t happen so I was left with a largely unplanned few days. I headed to my local but that doesn’t feel like my local anymore, I realised that my friends / drinking partners are in fact more of the latter, just drinking partners. On the Saturday day time I went into town with them for a drink and that only really confirmed some thoughts I had – I don’t like where I live. Maybe I’m just getting older but I still enjoy a sociable drink, just not where I live as the pubs have turned into plastic featureless icons that have no character or characters! Bars in my area tend to go from one extreme to another with no in between. I’m really disillusioned with my town, where I live, my job, my personal life but you know what? I’m gonna be a trooper and soldier on because deep down that’s the type of person I am. I recently read a persons blog who I know; personally I thought their blog was one of self pity and of a confessional nature, perhaps a little self indulgent and I decided I’d never make my blog like that. I do know from my psychotherapy diploma that disclosure does help but I'm not sure a blog is the right forum. Sure this blog is about my life, its events, my feelings and such but even though I’m feeling down right now for lots of different reasons I’m still positive, I’m still in the game, I’m still standing and I’m still a trooper (though not quite as ugly as the iron maiden picture above plus I wouldn’t wave a union jack around either but hey I like the picture!)

1 comment:

pat said...

you can be such a misery guts...

you amatuers at self pity always make it tougher for those of us who do it for a living!