Saturday, July 26, 2008

West of Thirty, Hello Forty!

Well here I am, Forty years old today. It's been a week of happy reflections and I've enjoyed writing my blogs. I've never really got excited about birthday's in the past, I never even had a twenty first birthday party, apart from a few friends where I worked bringing in some cake etc.
When I saw my gran this week she looked frail and is still bed bound, though she is still as sharp as ever. She commented to me that when I was a young child and had health problems doctors said I'd never reach forty, and there I was, stood before her, almost forty. I'm not sure if what she told me was ever said in the past but I've no reason to doubt her. I'm forty, I feel great and if nothing else I feel really happy my gran was able to see me reach this age, I've never felt better!
Tonight I'm having a bit of a bash in the Fox and Crown, there's a band on and also some food. For me it's just a chance to catch up with all my friends and have a good time, its really that simple!

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