Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life Of Course - Goes On!

The 21st of May came and went like any other day for everyone worldwide. Harold Camping's prediction that the world would end and a 'Rapture' would take place, basically saving all believers and killing all non-believers with natural disasters.

Of course Mr Camping represents a minority that believed in all this hocus-pocus so it's not fair to blame all christians though I do honestly feel I can blame all christians for believing in the bibles silly stories in the first place. The end of the world was supposed to be 7000 years or so after Noah's ark first set out, and how ridiculous is that story anyway? All the worlds animal species on a giant wooden ship after a flood, it goes beyond logical comprehension. This alone should show Mr Campings theory was baseless to anyone with common sense.

What kind of god would wipe out everyone except chosen christians, I ask, is this a benevolent god, a god that cares about humanity and the planet he allegedly created? Obviously if there was a god then he'd be the most brutal kind of dicatator - worship me or die! And after creating mankind wouldn't wiping most of it out be an exercise in futility?

This is what religion is all about though, it's cogs and wheels are fear, wish thinking and control and such is its power it easily influences weak minds. Ironically Mr Camping hasn't been seen since the alleged end of the world and his followers are vexed and upset (and probably feeling profoundly stupid!). With all fanatical christians there's excuses though and Mr Camping error is seen as a test of some sort according to some reports.

The world will turn and turn again until mankind screws it up (likely) or the sun burns itself out in due course (likely but hopefully not for some time!). Rest assured it won't be a god that destroys it because gods are created by man and inevitably until the sun does burn out or some natural global disaster does happen then we are the architects of our own destiny.

I'm pleased atheists and sane people are having parties about this whole business, it does go to show that we are beginning to shake off the shackles of religion and believe in what is most important - ourselves.

1 comment:

What's in a Naim said...

The perfect response to anyone who clams this world was created by anything other than condensing gasses.