Sunday, July 01, 2007

Smoke Free

Well today England goes smoke free and about time! Some accuse the Labour party of creating a 'nanny state' but as regards the smoking ban I think they've done something sensible.
No more coming in from a night out with my clothing smelling of smoke, no more sitting in restaurants or cafes with people lighting up next to you as you eat.
Seemingly its worked in other countries and there's no reason why it shouldn't work in England.
To the smokers I say it has never been a better time to quit, you know it makes sense!
A quick guide to the smoke free law can be found here

1 comment:

liits said...

I'm quite open minded about the smoking ban [even though I'm a smoker]. The only thing I look forward to is, in five years time, when the NHS is bust, they make smoking compulsary to re-finance it!