Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Yesterday was the pre-op stuff for my upcoming operation next Monday at Queen’s Medical in Nottingham. On arriving there I promptly got lost, the place is like a huge metropolis of tower blocks split into different wings, the directions are a bit misleading but at least I spent worthwhile time looking at the lovely nurses !!!

Eventually after a bit of a chat with the nurse on the ward I’ll be staying on I was ushered to a room near the operating theatre, the surgeon/consultant wanted to see me before the operation to explain some things. Since I last saw him he wants to try a new technique that has been pioneered in Germany which involves a new solution that he is going to tattoo into the scared cornea in my eye. To inflame my worries he now says he wants to do it using local and not general anaesthetic – so I’m gonna be awake through the whole thing! I know there are risks attached to the operation but I feel they will be worth it, I also know there will be a fair amount of pain (he told me that too!) but I guess sometimes we have to endure pain to get what we want. So, all is set for next Monday unless the new solution he’s planning to use isn’t cleared for sterilization by the lab there, if it isn’t then I have to wait longer but I really want to get it resolved sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

ems said...

Hope all goes well, Jay. Colin is interested to hear about how it goes - he has a similar problem - blinded in one eye by a cricket bat as a kid.