Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well May has been a different kind of month, an eventful one to say the least. It started off at break neck pace with Gary's visit back and day trips out and mucho beer! It's always a massive drop when Gary goes home though as I rarely see him these days, I kind of wish I had the money to go over to China more.
Then came the ending of an unconventional relationship I've had for a good for months, it was something I really enjoyed and to be honest I'm sad at its passing, perhaps more sadder than many past relationships have made me. It still hurts too, because it meant a lot to me.
The rest of the month has been filled with appointments, outings and interviews and has generally been really busy.
Oh and I've also embarked on adventures with somebody else. its early days yet but she's funny, genuine and very caring, and a stark raving mad Scots girl !!!
The month of May certainly hasn't been dull, a roller coaster of emotions, tears and smiles.
Sheesh I've just realised I don't often do personal blogs these days on here!

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