This week I've been catching up on Tv shows. I must say that The Walking Dead just gets better, it really is quality and compelling viewing. Not only does it have you on the edge of your seat but it evokes emotions as well as posing very heart searching 'What if that was me, what would I do?' questions. There's been less action in the second series but when there has beenit's has been truly nail biting knife edge stuff. Between the action we've had some great character building from a fine cast and some inspiring scripting to emphasise the psychological behaviour of a desperate few people facing a zombie apocalypse. This isn't a show just about killing zombies though, it is far deeper than that, every morale choice, every decision the small group makes has consequences and when people die you almost feel you are sharing their loss, it really is that emotive. It's an amazing piece of television drama.
On to Spartacus Vengeance. I'll admit, I'm a huge fan of the previous two series but feel the loss of Andy Whitfield has impacted the current show. I don't want to be too judgemental here and the new Spartacus Liam McIntyre is slowing easing into the role. There's been some other minor personnel changes within the show but to cut to the chase and state what I'm really missing and that's a Machiavellian bad guy with the stature of what John Hannah exuded playing Batiatus. Glaba played by Craig Parker isn't as calculating as the erstwhile Batiatus or as dynamic, it's almost like he has to rely on support from characters such as Asha or Lucretia for prompts and schemes. What we are getting with this series of Spartacus is much the same with less of the clout of the previous series outings. The action whilst being the usually quality gore-fest is now starting to feel a bit samey and has lost its edge (the sex is still great!). What's also lacking from this current series is plots and subterfuge, they are still there but with less 'OMG' moments as the plot is suddenly revealed. You really felt you were in for the ride on Batiatus's power trip before as he climbed the social ladder, you knew he was a bad guy but you empathised with him strangely. Sadly the Roman bad guys in this new series lack John Hannah's presence. charisma and screen vitality - they just seem a pontificating generic bunch and Lucy Lawless as Lucretia has very much sadly faded into the background a little (probably because she has less power this time around).
It's almost starting to feel cliche and reminiscent of other shows that graced out screens in the past. People get captured, rescue attempts take place, odd minor characters die and so it goes on. Some could argue the creators of the show have taken artistic licence with what's known about the real Spartacus of history but I don't think that's a bad thing, as we'll never ever know the details anyway. Will I still watch? Of course, I'm still a fan of the show I just think something is missing and I'm not entirely sure what. They need to build characters up more such as Peter Mensah (Doctore/Onomaus) among others. Maybe I am being too critical and I suspect more will come from the show regarding characters, plots and story lines, it could well be still early days on a series that could turn out to be here for the long haul but if that's the case they'll need to put substance before style.
Lastly I have to mention Game of Thrones second season. There's been a few teaser trailers for the forthcoming series starting this April and to be perfectly honest - I can't wait. I had started on the second book but decided to hold off, probably because I enjoyed the first series so much I didn't want to spoil the second one. I suspect it is going to eclipse any series of this year for me and I genuinely feel we are in for something truly special. Reflecting back to my opening on The Walking Dead and the fact I feel much is down to how real the characters and their worlds feel and the actors who portray them do it - that's where Game of Thrones excels. I love all three shows and it'll be interesting to see what directions they all go in.
Here's a trailer for the new season of Game of Thrones starting in April.