Saturday, September 24, 2011

Essex, Give It A Rest!

What is the British media's obsession with Essex at the moment?

We have programs like 'The only way is Essex', 'Educating Essex' and Essex people featuring in many other shows gracing our Tv screens. When and why has Essex become a big deal? At

At first I thought it's just the media having some fun in the way they depict Essex people and are just inflating stereotypes for entertainment but of late I am not so sure. Recent programs such as 'Come dine with me' and 'Three in a bed' featured people from Essex who just added to the stereotype even more. I can only assume that there is an endless supply of people from Essex who do in fact fit the profile the media is projecting and are in fact materialist egoists that revel in bling, vajazzle and generally being flash. Suddenly Essex is a big deal, it's a great place and it's people are über-cool if seemingly the butt of the nations jokes and laced with superficiality.

The sad thing is, many in Essex (the not so intelligent) have bought into Essex mania and so I guess the normal people in Essex (yes I suspect there are a few!) have to suffer it. Personally my experience of Essex people hasn't been too positive but I won't let that cloud the issue here. The reality is Essex isn't a big deal and in my opinion there's far greater counties of beauty within Britain whose people have countless more charm.

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