Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emotional Leverage

Today I got into a debate with a christian, a slightly smug one at that. After some time exchanging our very different views we agreed to disagree and a mutual and polite stand off was obtained - or so I thought!

The basis of our debate was proving if god existed or not. He claimed I couldn't prove it, which of course I cannot and of course my counter verbal parry was that he couldn't prove god existed either, a point that after some uncomfortable smiling he gave in to. Of course I wasn't convinced, as he'd just been extolling the virtues of the great being allegedly upstairs. To which I said god must be some kind of sick brutal dictator if he is letting stuff like this happen to Japan and Libya etc.

The point is in such arguments with people of faith is that despite reasoning with them using scientific backed information they will also maintain their faith regardless, admirable really but in my opinion sheer folly and wish thinking.

So after coming to a compromise of sorts we smile, all is amicable and differing viewpoints are respected. Then he begins to walk away and fires a last parting shot 'You'll see in the end, you'll see!'

Yep its the old christian emotional leverage move of trying to induce you to dwell on fear, fear of judgement and what could happen if you don't play their way.

I'm comfortable with the fact that at the end the only thing I am likely to see is a long period of restful darkness, and if I am wrong and the big fella is sat there ready to pass judgement then I'll have plenty to say to him before I go elsewhere.

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