So, we are mere hours away from the general election and by this stage I am thinking everyone wants to vote and get it over with. I don't recall any other election with this much media coverage or hype (one sided coverage if you're part of Murdoch media of course).
The good old BBC has come through with impartial coverage, though one has to wonder if the Tories get in how much pressure the BBC will actually be under.
Anyway, on to my final thoughts and what really matters to me, what I want out of it all.
It's evident that politics is more centred these days, gone are the days of gulf's between left and right politics, sure you still have more extreme smaller parties but the main three seem very mainstream these days, as if none want to do anything to challenge convention. The irony is a time will come where a party in the future will have to deal with tough decisions as problems in our social fabric become more prevalent and out of control.
My dad said to me many years ago when I was old enough to vote that 'Any working class man should always vote Labour' and after all that time that statement has hung in my head, I will always agree with it.
Sadly I am not a fan of Gordon Brown but neither will I heap the whole of the worlds and this country problems squarely on his shoulders, because quite simply it's not all his fault. Blair irked me towards the end, I was glad he went, Brown seemed capable at first but slowly and surely he was destroyed by the press whilst the Tory party slowly but surely - rebuilt. It's all about faces these days, people are gullible and taken in by the media too much, unable to think beyond what they are told by it. Most people tomorrow will be voting Tory simply because after a few pints in the local they will be able to shout 'Yay for the Tories, I voted for the winners'.
On reflection I have much to thank Labour for. My swift surgery on the magnificent NHS, that gave me a new lease of life. Benefits I was paid whilst sick. And generally not a bad standard of living.
Tomorrow I think I can pretty much guess on what the results may be, and unfortunately I can't see Labour winning, Mr Brown sadly isn't charismatic enough for the press, and as it becomes evident our election process is becoming more American and about personalities then he obviously has a face that doesn't fit. That said, not all has been good with labour, they've made some genuine mistakes and done things very badly at times, they've also had some bad luck too. There's some complacency in there as well, some bad personnel etc. I think if they lose the election they need to go away, restructure and reinvent themselves once again, and come back better, stronger with a new face at the head of the party. How will Cameron or Clegg fare if they win, I don't really know but Brown I feel, although coming across inept at times does have more experience.
Having read chunks of all the main party manifesto's its all pretty much generic stuff, either using the other parties old practices and expanding upon them or along similar sounding themes.
All I want in my heart is for the NHS to go on, it is something I feel passionate to my very core about, as it has rescued me health wise on many occasions, from my eyesight to shiny new hip joints.
I want to see safer streets, instead of gangs of cowardly thugs seemingly roaming them at will causing all sorts of problems for all ages. Society needs to get tough because this problem will only grow with time.
I want to see honesty and fair dealing with politicians, banks and corporations.
I want to see industry grow again and jobs created, things to be built here once again.
I want to see arts and culture flourish, peoples abilities celebrated, our national esteem to rise.
I want a secular society, and no involvement at all from the church.
I want less European involvement in our affairs, and I definitely don't want to see the Euro replace the Pound.
Less encouragement/advertising for companies or websites that lend money to people that really can't afford it.
Good education for all.
All in all, I don't really want much, just society to improve and not decline, like it seems to slowly be doing.
Come the morning, I will be there early to vote, probably 7am as I have to go into Nottingham soon after. I will probably have to tactical vote tomorrow, such is our voting system here, which radically needs to be changed.
Till tomorrow then!