Thursday, December 01, 2005

Putting it straight (before I get punched)

It seems I have committed a slight faux pas when remarking on a comment to my blog ‘Cursed’. When answering the comment I mentioned girls from my home town are ‘grim’.

This is of course incorrect and caught the attention of Serendipity who was not best pleased. To appease her I sent a text to explain that the use of ‘grim’ only pertained to recent girls I dated. Shortly after I received a phone call from Serendipity who expressed her displeasure and also added she is 5’9 tall (intimidation for sure). Then followed a rather light-hearted chat to my relief….. and concerns for my health.

So to put the record straight, and before I incur the wrath of anymore Amazon’s from my home town – Girls from where I live are lovely, articulate and intelligent.


pat said...

surely you should have said - you just date grim girls ?

Shep said...

Gotta love that retraction - ever considered running for conservative candidacy??

Foilwoman said...

Hey, I'm not from your neck of the woods, but I'm 5'11" so I could intimidate you too, for sure. Oh, and never make a blanket statement about all women. All men who do are sure to be lovelorn and lonely.

Hobbit's Journal said...

Jeez American amazons commenting on my blog now! and even trying to psycho analyze me too! Maybe Serendipity has roped some of her state side amigo's to put the squeeze on me. I expect nothing less than sardonic comments from pat and shep - you're all out to get me !!!

coolbuddha said...

You know what they say, when you find yourself in a hole...Does Serendipity know where you live?!