I guess the obvious argument is that London is the largest city and is home to the most people so there’d be more chance of incidents. The thing is I always thought London had a more laid back attitude and cosmopolitan atmosphere compared to other cities so the recent changes would not seem like a big deal. I’m sure a lot of places in London had more liberal drinking licences before anyway, especially the big clubs in and around central London.
Surprisingly the hot spot cities that were expected to be hit the worst were instead very quiet and the new changes passed without much event.
My blogging buddy Em’s did comment about Nottingham being a hot spot, sorry Em’s but the facts are above, in concluding all I can say is Londoners cannot handle the booze as well as us northerners but then again that always was a well known fact, they should stick to jellied eels and pearly suits !!!
Your first mistake was watching anything with Trevor McDonald in it.
The second, not realising that London is such a diverse place that we have the laidback areas, the liberal areas, the teenage areas and the downright dodgy areas.
Thirdly, persisting in your belief that Nottingham can even compare to London as capital.
Ooooh such vehement retorts to my factual blog!
Firstly my ex was from south London/Kent so I spent a fair bit of time down there trying to find pubs that sold anything more potent than what southerners call 'lager tops'.
I actually like London, Camden being my fave place.
Lastly all I can say about the North is clean air, cheap ale and sociable people.
Some of these Londoners can be a wee bit touchy ;-)
We all know that the streets of London are paved with diamante and that Lambrini is tapped free into every home, but why must they insist on rubbing it in :-)
Thanks for bigging up my blog mate - my main one is the Blind-Winger Jones which gets updated most days.
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