Sting as 'Ace'
As the Christmas television was dire I mused on watching a dvd, I’d got several to watch and my wandering finger hovered over Quadrophenia. It was a film I’d had for some time and not yet view, I’d sort of been saving it for a day like this. Phil Daniels plays the lead role as Jimmy, a teenager wrapped up in the 1960’s Mod culture, a guy struggling to come to terms with real life and its encumbering responsibilities.
For me the film really works, visually it may looked dated but it captures the period well and has a full British cast including Ray Winstone, Michael Elphick, Leslie Ash, Mark Wingett and the ever lovely Toyah Wilcox (dribble)
One man steals the film for me, Sting who plays ‘Ace’ the mysterious mod, it’s was movie debut and he soooo damn cool, even though he's only in it a scant few minutes.
The film doesn’t really have a solid story, it doesn’t need one as it’s about characters rather than plot. The Who provide a cracking soundtrack that mirrors the mod scene very well, so much so that I want a mod suit now and a Lambretta!
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