Just had a near brush with death on the M1 northbound, about 3 miles off the junction for the A46. There I was in the middle lane doing about 85mph over taking some lorries when suddenly there was an enormous bang. Instinctively I looked in the mirror and saw an object in the road behind me for a split second before the steering column went all wobbly. Then I was veering towards the central reservation and losing control. It was one of those movie moments, the car was shuddering violently, lorries were flashing their lights at me and everything seemed surreal and in slow motion. I managed to steer over to the hard shoulder and put the hazard lights on. It was then I noticed the rear passenger tyre smoking.
I rang the RAC recovery and gave them my details, fortunately I was near a numbered road marker so that helped a lot. The repair guy got to me with about 30 mins and removed the tyre, fortunately I had the spare one waiting ready for him, when he removed the wheel he said ‘You’re a lucky bloke' as he pointed to the huge hole. Had the roads been wet and busier it could have been a lot nastier. I’m a bit shaken but us hobbit's are resilient creatures. Take a look at the damage below.