Monday, December 24, 2007

Weak Minded

Tony Blair's recent conversion to Catholicism just shows what a weak minded fool he is. To quote the BBC news website 'Last year, Mr Blair, who is now a Middle East peace envoy, said he had prayed to God when deciding whether or not to send UK troops into Iraq.' - A lot of fucking good that did Tony eh? I'm sure all that praying eased his own conscience though.
I may have Irish roots but I do have a vehement disdain for the Catholic faith, not just Catholics though, any organised religion be it Muslim to Methodist. I could never get my head around the fact a Catholic could slap his wife about, have an affair and then go to confession and say a few hail Mary's and everything is hunky dory again. It's a greedy dated religion whose history is bathed in blood. You don't have to be a history buff to know it was past popes that called for the crusades, events which caused deep rooted hatred with the middle east to this day.
The thing is, I've nothing against somebody being religious or having faith - its just not for me. I find religion too controlling, very divisive in the world today and riddled with inconsistencies. Maybe I read to much Nietzsche;
'Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's?'
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, Maxims and Arrows
I'll always say a church is a lovely serene place to sit and think but then so is a library, or a deserted beach. Mankind has fabricated marvellous awe inspiring churches but he's also fabricated religion. I can understand aspects of Buddhism and Paganism but that's about it for me. In my opinion we should celebrate the great buildings mankind has himself made, the breakthroughs in science and medicine and all the other positives mankind has achieved. If mankind concentrated on getting the real job done without religion's, such as saving the environment, exploring space and taking sciences to greater heights then we could surely create our own utopia. I'm a pragmatist though, and cynical, so I know it's not going to happen.
Anyway, back to Blair.... I wonder what Ian Paisley makes of it all?

1 comment:

Mysti said...

Being that i'm Pagan, I have no room to really comment on religion. My husband was raised Irish Catholic though, and his childhood stories scream mind-control to me. Luckily, I was not raised in any religion whatsoever. My father is an Irish immigrant who wanted nothing to do with religion, and he told us to find whatever made us happy. My mother is Native American (Apache) and she taught us more earth spirituality which resonated deeply with me. Eh, to each his own I say, but when ones beliefs overlap into politics (as it does SO terribly here in the states)and other areas of ones freedoms they are crossing a line!

How is the hip by the way??