The thing celebrities know about going into the Big Brother house know is that is can give them a little more exposure and some longevity to their fame or they can be made to look right idiots. It is of course a gamble they take and my argument is that we at least get to see the celebrity aura disappear and see them as their real selves.
And what a jumped up little mardy prick Leo Sayer is turning out to be. He moaned in the Big Brother diary room that he is worth more than they paid him to appear in the show, of course if he was so fantastically rich and famous he wouldn't have been there in the first place.
Dirk Benedict from A-Team fame seems a very grounded bloke and openly criticised Leo for talking to much and not letting anybody finish a sentance. So what does Leo do? - he goes childishly mute. Then in another diary room rant Leo demands to see his Big Brother contract and says the conditions in the house are appalling. Of course on reading his contract he does indeed see what he has signed up for and can't really argue any further.
So we've seen the real Leo, a jumped up, pompous prima donna who when he isn't the centre of attention likes to privately vent off 'F' words at the cameras to try and look big.
Oh yes and for the uninitiated 'Mardy' is a local word where I live for childish!

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