Japanese and Americans are going mad for the new next generation console from Sony, the Playstation 3. It was realeased in Japan a couple of weeks ago to patient disciplined queues outside Japanese shops, Gary my friend that lives in Hong Kong rang me at 5am the other Sunday to tell me he'd managed to bag one in down town Hong Kong that must have been imported, of course he paid a hefty price for it, then again he is loaded with cash.
However in America when the Playstation 3 was released it was a much different story, there have been incidents of robberies, shortages, selling on ebay for extortionate prices and even attempted murder. YouTube has videos of the queues, where it was literally every man for himself in a mad chaotic scrambles, which are quite disturbing to watch. Only in America!
I love game consoles but there's no way I'd queue up or camp out over night to get my mits on one. The Playstation 3 is released over here in March 2007, I'll be happy to wait, and even then I won't get one on launch day.
The next photo is for Pat who loves cranes (for some strange reason!) plus I wanted to show him I can take top crane photo's too, jeez I'm sounding as bad as a train spotter here! I love the way the photo turned out, as a silhouette against the fading day. There seems to be a lot of building work going on in Manchester - so any crane spotter would be spoilt for choice!