Congratulations to parliament on the free vote to abolish smoking in bars, public places and private clubs, though banning it from private paying members clubs is perhaps going a tad too far. In their snap reaction people will blame the government but as I gather it went to a free vote in parliament and was passed with an overwhelming majority, it wasn’t purely a government thing, though I’m sure Labour will be remembered for it. Smokers whilst arguing it curbs their own freedom don’t consider how selfish they are to other people. A while back I went for a meal only to be seated next to a couple that both smoked, there was really nothing I could do apart from ask to be moved but why should I move because of someone’s selfish and pointless bad habit? Maybe in a few years people will look back and look what all the fuss was about, hopefully there will be ex-smokers living longer lives. May I remind smokers who are reading and cursing this blog that passive smoking leads to around 30 people a day losing their lives.
At least when it comes into effect my clothes won't stink of cigarette smoke when get home!
Totally agree with you - hurrah!
Serendipity, didn't one of your past blogs say you really wanted to give up smoking???
Don't be bitter Serendipity, you know the state is right ! I personally would be happy to pay a little more tax to have a complete no smoking environment (though I might chew on the odd cigar in secret)
My dear Serendipity, are you determined to have the last word on this?
I just hope Mr Blair makes me head of the secret anti smoking police - I will be turning you in for psychiatric analysis and personality correction, I can just see myself in the black uniform - MMUuuuaahhhhHH !!!
[speaking as a smoker] I love all of this ban on smoking guff. The sooner it's made illegal and the sale of cigs & tobacco is banned totaly, the better for all concerned. What I also look forward to is everybodys national insurance contributions going up massivly [the avarage smoker spends around £25 quid a week on cigs. so, for all of us who will stop, work out how much we spend [and thus how much the government makes in revenue] and divide that amongst the whole NI contributiong population and see how much your deductions will increase!
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