It was by pure chance that I picked up a ‘From Latin to Jazz Dance’ cd in Selectadisc some time ago. To be honest the cd was in their lounge music section and I picked up volume one simply because I liked the retro cover, I only recognised one of the artist on the cd. So, anyway when I came to play the cd I realised I’d stumbled upon a gem and set about procuring the other 4 volumes. Tracks vary from chilled latino beats to hip retro rhythms, it’s the kind of music you’d imagine on a Tarantino flick, it’s groovy that’s for sure.
Then it occurred to me that even though I’m having a lounge phase I’m still buying and listening to all sorts of music. My last spree involved the purchase of Kinobe, Marilyn Manson, Toyah and Kraftwerk – all very diverse indeed. My musical tastes seem to be widely varied, eclectic and just plain bizarre to some but I really do like all kinds of music. Like a drug music does enhance your mood, sometimes lifting it and sometimes escalating it to greater proportions. I can walk to work some nights listening to my mp3 player listening to Manson or Alice Cooper thinking I’m gonna kick some ass if anyone crosses me today. In total contrast I can listen to something ambient and nobody will piss me off at all. I guess we all like to listen to something upbeat as we prepare to go out for a night out. I think my favourite sounds of all though are falling rain which helps me sleep and the awesome sound of the sea lapping against the shore – I never tire of that.
1 comment:
Eclectic range of music - sounds very much like Pat. Helping him to proof read catalogues years ago we'd go from Dolly Parton to Nine Inch Nails via something obscure I'd never heard of.
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